Main Features:
- Pipeline Leads
- OAuth Security for APIs
- Pay By Transaction in Affiliate Commissions Report
- New Lead Poster Tool
- New Mass Transaction Modification Tool
Pipeline Leads
Manage relationships throughout the life cycle of each lead. A single lead can generate multiple stages of income depending on how stages are configured. This is a LinkTrust Enterprise feature.
Summary: Pipeline Stages are customizable within each campaign. Pipelines are managed via the UI and new APIs. New reports allow users to get high-level views as well as drill into details of each lead’s stages.
Custom Setup of Pipelines: Configure stages as well as distribution to meet business needs.
- Campaigns contain multiple Stages. Stages act as steps or milestones in the lifecycle of a single lead.
- Identify each Stage’s name, description, and payout; the last two are optional.
- Decide on the following options for each Stage:
- Required or Not Required;
- Whether each stage can be accepted out of order (when Required);
- Whether to show in the Affiliate Center or not;
- Whether to show in the Advertiser Center or not;
- Whether to allow Advertisers to Update Stages.
Managing Pipelines: Once leads are submitted, there are two ways to update pipeline stages.
1) User Interface: Stages can be updated from within the Lead Details report, in both the Partner Center and the Advertiser Center.
The video above shows Pipeline stages being updated from within the Lead Details Report.
2) APIs: Stages can optionally be updated via a new set of APIs, whereas completion of Pipeline Leads is only via API. See below for a description of the new *Pipeline Lead APIs.
Pipeline Reporting: Within Campaign Performance:
- Click Lead Details link for granular viewing and updating of Pipelines; see video above.
- Click Pipeline Icon
to access Pipeline Breakout for high-level viewing of Pipeline traffic.
- View Lead Traffic by Group or Region:
- Channel Breakout by Advertiser report allows you to view lead traffic by region or group;
- Parent Rows show each sales or lead channel, while Child Rows show each traffic source.
*New Pipeline APIs allow users to update Pipeline Stages as well as Pipeline Leads: click here to access the new APIs
OAuth 2.0 for API Security
OAuth 2.0 (open authorization) enables secure delegated access and is managed as a security layer over existing LinkTrust APIs. This is a LinkTrust enterprise feature.
Brief Summary of OAuth Process
3 participants are required for OAuth transactions:
- the end user;
- the application (API);
- the resource (service provider that’s storing privileged credentials)
3 steps are involved in an OAuth transaction:
- End User/Resource Owner asks permission through a client Application;
- Application requests Access Token;
- Application accesses the Resource.
LinkTrust OAuth Features come in 2 Types
Admin Keys:
- provide access to all data in the customer account;
- utilize a unique ClientID & Client Secret, provided by LinkTrust Support;
- get an access token using grant type of client credentials.
User Credentials:
- provide limited access based on each user’s rights;
- utilize username & password plus a unique ClientID, provided by LinkTrust Support;
- get an access token using grant type of password credentials.
Here is an example using the OAuth features in Postman.
Pay By Transaction in Affiliate Commissions Report
We’ve built a new ‘Affiliate Commissions by Lead/Conversion’ report. This is a modified version of the existing ‘Affiliate Commissions by Pay Period’ report. This is an Enterprise Feature. The new report breaks out as follows:
- Each Parent Row: an affiliate who’s earned commissions
- Each Child Row: a single transaction for that affiliate (Sold Lead, Approved Conversion, or Completed Pipeline Lead)
We also provide an API for pulling the information from this report. Click here to access the new API
Submit Batch Leads Tool
The new Submit Batch Leads Tool replaces LinkTrust’s legacy Lead Poster tool. Find the new tool in a Lead campaign’s ‘Posting Details’ page. Use this to import batches of leads with a date stamp of today’s date.
Transaction Mass Update Tool
Also a replacement for our legacy Lead Poster, we’ve built a new tool for mass updates to existing Click/Pixel transactions. This tool is found at the Reports Listing page under the ‘Conversions’ section.
Features & Bug Fixes:
- Pay By Transaction/Lead
- GET ‘Payment by TX’ API
- ‘Total Count’ column in NEW AffiliateCommissionsByTX
- OLD Commissions ‘Campaign Status’ column header name change
- Add Merchant ‘Advertiser’ Groups
- AddOn for Advertiser to Update Lead Fields & Stage Status
- Add Advertiser Group Column to Listing
- Pipeline Tab needs Currency Type
- Add ‘Error’ for Stage Status and allow API to use it
- Need ‘Error’ status option in modal in MC & PC
- ‘Error’ status doesn’t work in API; Finishing Needed
- Modal for Submitting Leads
- Add LeadListing bottom portion details to AttemptListing
- Pipeline Lead Status Not Displayed in MC
- Add Modal to Submit & Update Pipeline Stage
- ‘Update’ Button at AttemptListing
- Security for API Authentication, OAuth
- Import Leads to Replace LeadPoster
- Mass TX Update Tool to Replace LeadPoster
- AC TX Details in New Framework w/ SubID Filtering
- AC New Token in Affiliate Pixel for Campaign Currency
- Click/Pixel Traffic to Show Full Query String in Reporting
- Revenue Option for Default Referral Commission
- Whitelabel
- Bug Fix: ‘Multi’ shows up when there’s no Multicurrency
- Bug Fix: AC New Campaign Performance Links Need to Work