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Advertiser Center Customization

The Advertiser Center Customization page allows you to modify your page settings, your password settings, and customize the Advertiser Center page.

Advertiser Page Settings

In the Advertiser Page Settings section, set up your Advertiser Center page by doing the following:

  1. In the Page Title field, enter your Advertiser Center page title.
  2. In the Login URL, verify your login URL.
  3. In the Logout URL, enter your logout URL.
  4. Save your settings by selecting Update.

Advertiser Password Settings

In the Advertiser Password Setting section, configure the password requirements for the Advertiser Center by doing the following:

  1. In the Minimum Length field, enter the minimum required characters for the Advertiser Center password.
  2. If you want to require letters and numbers in the Advertiser Center passwords, mark Require Letters and Numbers.
  3. If you want to require upper and lowercase characters in the Advertiser Center passwords, mark Require Upper and Lowercase Characters.

Page Customization

The Page Customization section allows you to customize how your Advertiser Center looks. You can customize the following:

  • Style Sheet
  • Header
  • Menu
  • Home Page
  • Footer

Style Sheet

Modify the style sheet by doing the following:

  1. Expand Style Sheet by selecting the Blue + Icon.
  2. In the field, enter your style sheet code.
  3. If you need to reset your style sheet back to the default, select Reset to default.
  4. Save your setting by selecting Update.


Modify the header by doing the following:

  1. Expand Style Sheet by selecting the Blue + Icon.
  2. Using the WYSIWYG editor, enter the new header information.
  3. Save your setting by selecting Update.


Modify the menu by doing the following:

  1. Expand Style Sheet by selecting the Blue + Icon.
  2. Using the WYSIWYG editor, enter the new menu information.
  3. If you need to reset your style sheet back to the default, select Reset to default.
  4. Save your setting by selecting Update.

In the menu, you can insert the following tokens as place holders for dynamically inserted data:

Token / Function

[=merchant.id=] Adds the advertiser's ID number

[=merchant.name=] Adds the advertiser's company name

[=merchant.contact=] Adds the name of the advertiser's contact

[=navigation.logout=] Adds the logout URL

[=navigation.home=] Adds the home page URL so the advertiser can navigate back to the homepage

[=navigation.myaccount=] Adds the my account URL to the advertiser can view their account information and update their username and password

[=navigation.reporting=] Adds the reporting URL so the advertiser can access reports


Modify the home page by doing the following:

  1. Expand Style Sheet by selecting the Blue + Icon.
  2. Using the WYSIWYG editor, enter the new dashboard information.
  3. Save your setting by selecting Update.


Modify the footer by doing the following:

  1. Expand Style Sheet by selecting the Blue + Icon.
  2. Using the WYSIWYG editor, enter the new footer information.
  3. Save your setting by selecting Update.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com