Campaign Search
The Campaign Search allows you to search for campaigns using the following criteria:
- Campaign ID (CID)
- Campaign name
- Category
- Group
- Expires between dates
- Campaign traffic
- Campaign manager
- Advertiser
- Type
- Status
After you select your criteria, select Search to begin your campaign search.
If you search within the "Assigned" tab, only campaigns assigned to the affiliate will show. Searching in the "Add" tab will show only campaigns not assigned to the affiliate.
Assigned Campaigns Tab
The Campaigns results table displays all the campaigns an affiliate is authorized to run. When a campaign is assigned to an affiliate, the following functions and data are available for each campaign:
- Edit Payout
- Unassign
- Block
- Traffic caps
- Send creatives
- Links
- Adjust statistics for a specific campaign, affiliate, and date
- Campaign name
- Advertiser name
- Advertiser revenue
- Date of terms agreement
- Date of the last suppression file download
- Campaign status
- Campaign expiration date
- Rate of affiliate payout based on the campaign
- Auto approval enabled or disabled
- Pixel placed/code fires - Pixel placed identifies if the pixel placed is JavaScript, Server-side, iFrame (code), or not placed at all and if code was fired.
From the Assigned tab, you can also do the following:
- Un-Assign Selected. The Un-Assign Selected button allows you to un-assign multiple campaigns. To un-assign the campaign(s), mark all the necessary check boxes in the left column and click the button.
- Update Selected. The Update Selected button allows you to save any updates made to each of the selected campaigns.
Global Pixel
With Global Pixel, you can apply a pixel to multiple campaigns at the same time. For example, your affiliate gives you one pixel for 50 campaigns. Instead of updating 50 campaigns individually, you can use Global Pixel to update all your campaigns at once.
After applying the global pixel, you can override the global pixel for a specific campaign by going to that campaign and entering in the specific pixel for that campaign. Also, applying a global pixel to all your campaigns does not override any campaigns with current custom pixel settings. Custom pixels are not replaced by the global pixel.
To apply a global pixel, do the following:
- From the top of the Campaigns page, select Global Pixel.
- On the Pixel Edit page, select your pixel type.
- In the Enter Pixel URL field, enter your pixel URL.
- (Optional) In the text box, enter additional code to be executed for the affiliate's conversions.
- If you need help with pixel tokens, select Tokens.
- Save your settings by selecting Update and Close.
After a global pixel is placed, the Pixel Placed/Code Fired column of the Campaigns table specifies that the campaign is using a global pixel and identifies the pixel type.
Select a Campaign Tab
The Campaigns results table displays all the campaigns an affiliate is not assigned to. The following functions and data are available for each campaign:
- Add Campaign
- Campaign name
- Advertiser Revenue
- Campaign status
- Campaign expiration date
- Campaign Type
- Campaign Category
- Payout
From the Add tab, you can also do the following:
- Add Selected. The Add Selected button allows you to assign multiple campaigns. To assign the campaign(s), mark all the necessary check boxes in the left column and click the button.
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