Campaign Cap Listing API

Must use a GET method to run the campaign cap listing API.  Results will return all of your caps for a specified campaign or affiliate/campaign specified in the URL.  

You are able to receive the caps in XML or JSON by including the following in the headers.

  • content-type:application/xml for an xml response
  • content-type:application/json for a json response

Base URL 



ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequiredFormatting NotesExamplescampaignidThis is a campaign id from your account.Int*YesMust be a valid CID from your account.123456affiliateidThis is an affiliate id from your account.Int*NoRequired if you want to get a list of affiliate / campaign caps. for a specific campaign. Must be a valid AFID from your account.123456

Example URLs

Example XML Response



<CampaignName>Link Test</CampaignName>

<AffiliateId xsi:nil="true" />


































































Example JSON Response


"CampaignId": 123456

"AffiliateId": null

"EnableCapEmailNotifications": true

"CapEmailAddress": ""

"Caps": [4]

0:  {

"CapId": 152

"CapType": 1

"Enabled": true

"CapValue": 10

"IsRevenue": true

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 30

"CurrentValue": 0

"IsMet": false


1:  {

"CapId": 363

"CapType": 2

"Enabled": true

"CapValue": 200

"IsRevenue": true

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 10

"CurrentValue": 60

"IsMet": false


2:  {

"CapId": 84

"CapType": 2

"Enabled": true

"CapValue": 50

"IsRevenue": false

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 50

"CurrentValue": 16

"IsMet": false


3:  {

"CapId": 378

"CapType": 3

"Enabled": true

"CapValue": 100

"IsRevenue": false

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 20

"CurrentValue": 0

"IsMet": false





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