Campaign Listing API

Must use a GET method to run the campaign listing API.  Results will display all of your campaigns if not specified or a single campaign if a single campaign is specified in the URL.  

Able to pull in XML or JSON by including the following in the headers.

  • Accept:application/xml for an xml response
  • Accept:application/json for a json response

Base URL


CampaignId - Only shows data for one campaign. Must be a valid Campaign ID.

Example URLs

Example XML Response






<CampaignName>Supermart Mobile Deals</CampaignName>



<Category>** Exclusive</Category>








Example JSON Response
CampaignId: 100000
CampaignName: "Supermart Mobile Deals"
CampaignType: "CPA"
Category: "** Exclusive"
Group: "Gold"
CampaignStatus: "PublicLive"
AdvertiserId: 100010
AdvertiserName: "Teppanyaki"
DefaultAffiliatePayout: 16.33
DefaultAffiliatePayoutType: "Flat"
Revenue: 33
RevenueType: "Flat"


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