Create/Modify Campaign Caps API

Must use a PUT method to run the campaign cap API.  The campaign cap API will allow you to modify the cap set for a campaign.  Values are case sensitive.

Able to use XML or JSON by including the following in the headers:

  • content-type:application/xml for xml
  • content-type:application/json for json

Base URL 



CampaignId - Required. Must be a valid CID for a campaign in your account. Example: 123456

AffiliateId - Required if you're creating an affiliate cap.  Must be a valid AFID for an affiliate assigned to the campaign.  Example: 123456

EnableCapEmailNotifications - Enables the cap notification email. True or false, default is false.

CapEmailAddress - List of emails to send the cap threshold email to.  Must be a valid email address.

CapId - Required if you're modifying a cap. Valid cap ID of a campaign or campaign/affiliate cap. If creating a new cap, leave out or set to 0.

CapType - Must be avalid cap type.  JSON: 1 = Per Day, 2 = Per Week, 3 = Per Month, 4 = Total.  XML: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Total.

Enabled - Enables the campaign or campaign/affiliate cap.

CapValue - Required. The number of conversions of amount of revenue for the cap. Must be a whole number greater than 0.

IsRevenue - Specifies if the cap is a conversion or revenue cap.  True = revenue cap, false = conversion cap, default is false.

EmailNotificationThreshold - Required if EnableCapEmailNotifications is set to true.  The percentage when a cap notification email will sent to notify a user or affiliate that the cap is about to be met.  Must be a whole number greater than 0.

Example URL

Example XML











































Example JSON


"CampaignId": 123456,

"AffiliateId": 123456,

"EnableCapEmailNotifications": true,

"CapEmailAddress": ";;",

"Caps": [


"CapId": 345,

"CapType": 1,

"Enabled": true,

"CapValue": 30,

"IsRevenue": true,

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 25



"CapId": ,

"CapType": 3,

"Enabled": true,

"CapValue": 30,

"IsRevenue": true,

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 25



"CapId": 123,

"CapType": 2,

"Enabled": true,

"CapValue": 30,

"IsRevenue": false,

"EmailNotificationThreshold": 30





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