Product Data Feed Analytic Report API

Must use a GET method to run the product data feed analytics report API.  Results will display all of your transactions from your data feeds as shown in the product data feed analytics report.  You may run the report by campaign, affiliate or both by adding AffiliateID or CampaignID to the request.

Able to pull in XML or JSON by including the following in the headers.

  • Accept:application/xml for an xml response
  • Accept:application/json for a json response

Base URL


ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequiredFormatting NotesExamplesStartDateStart date (starting point) to filter results by date.DateYDate in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY

"5/15/2013" "08/08/2013"

EndDateEnd date (ending point) to filter results by date.DateYDate in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY

"5/15/2013" "08/08/2013"

AffiliateIDFilter report results by AffiliateIntegerNMust be a valid Affiliate ID123456CampaignIDFilter report results by CampaignIntegerNMust be a valid Campaign ID123456

Example URL

Example XML Response








<CampaignName>*Chia Pet</CampaignName>

















<Brand i:nil="true" />

<Category i:nil="true" />















Example JSON Response
ProductAnalytics: [1]
0:  {
Stats: {
CID: 100027
CampaignName: "*Chia Pet"
Clicks: 1
Conversions: 3
Children: [2]
0:  {
SKU: "1"
Name: "chappel"
RetailPrice: 75
SalePrice: 10
Discount: "10"
Category: "Pottery"
Brand: "Acme"
Clicks: 1
Conversions: 2
1:  {
SKU: "2"
Name: "wings"
RetailPrice: 56
SalePrice: 4
Discount: "77"
Category: null
Brand: null
Clicks: 0
Conversions: 1
TotalRow: {
Clicks: 1
Conversions: 3


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