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Affiliate Traffic Caps

Affiliate traffic caps allow you to redirect traffic from an affiliate when their approved conversions or revenue for a campaign reaches the cap amount.  You have the ability to specify the number of approved transactions "Per Day", "Per Month", or "In Total".  Once the cap is met, LinkTrust will redirect all new clicks to the specified campaign cap redirect.

*NOTE: All traffic caps are “soft” or approximate caps, so it is recommended that caps are set accordingly. In a soft cap, when a cap has been met, there may be other consumers that have already clicked through on the campaign's tracking link. If they clicked through before the cap was met, there is a possibility that the consumer might still convert based on the cookie life set for the campaign. If this happens, conversions will be credited to the affiliate.

Cap Criteria and Notifications

Cap notifications are emails sent to partners and affiliates when a campaign or affiliate cap is near to or at the selected percent threshold.

When configuring a cap you have the option to make it a conversion or revenue cap.  If the cap type is changed you must reset the cap or the new cap will retain the current cap count amount of the original cap.

To enable an affiliate cap:

  1. Select the Affiliate Detail for the affiliate you wish to add caps.
  2. Select the Assigned Campaigns sub menu.
  3. Click the scissors cap icon for the campaign you wish to add a cap.
  4. Check the Enable Email Notifications check box.
  5. Enter email addresses one email address per line in the text box that you want the cap notification emails to be sent to.
  6. Click on the Add Cap button to configure a cap.  To add additional caps click the Add Cap button again.
  7. Enter a cap amount, type of conversion (Conversions or Revenue), time frame (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Total) and the cap email threshold percentage.
  8. Click the update button to save the configured cap settings.

The current count shows how much traffic the campaign has received towards the cap.  When a cap has been met you will see a green check mark in the Is Met column.  The Last Reset Date/Time identifies the last date a cap was set or reset.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com