The Default Campaign Setting page allows you to configure a set of campaign settings that will be applied for all new campaigns created.
Cookie Life
The cookie life is the length of time before a cookie expires on a computer, rendering it invalid. For popular high traffic offers shared by other networks, a shorter cookie life span is suggested to help prevent false positive conversions from tracking because other networks have sent a consumer to the advertiser's site during the time that your campaign's cookie was still valid. If tracking by click ID, the cookie life span dictates the length of time that the click ID is valid. Cookie life is part of a CPA/CPL campaign only.
The group is the name of the campaign group that the campaign belongs to.
Tracking Link Format
You may choose what type of URL to give your affiliates to use when running this campaign. There are three (3) types of URL formats to choose from:
- A Standard URL is a typical query string with ? and & to attach value pair parameters. This format is not search engine optimized (SEO). Example:
- An SEO URL is more search engine optimized or friendly then a Standard query string URL because it does not use ? or & within the query string. Example:
- A Custom URL is a URL that you specify. Only use this option if you have an understanding of tracking URLs and tokens.
Impression URL
The Impression URL is generated within creatives by placing an impression token that when viewed through the Affiliate Center, is replaced with either the pixel or URL that tracks impressions. The Tokens appear as [=ImpressionPixel=] and [=ImpressionURL=]. We recommend using [=ImpressionPixel=] as it contains all the html code to effectvely execute the impression URL.
Tracking URL
The tracking URL is the URL generated by LinkTrust and issued to affiliates. Traffic is passed through this URL to facilitate tracking. The URL was setup when your account was created. This URL is automatically populated for creatives when you use the [=TrackingURL=] token. Your tracking URL can be used in standard URL or SEO URL format.
The following are required tracking URL parameters:
- CID - Campaign ID
- AFID - Affiliate ID
The following are recommended tracking URL parameters:
- SID - Sub ID
- ADID - Creative ID (The legacy version uses DID)
Auto-Approve Transactions
To auto-approve transactions for all affiliates, mark "Auto-approve transactions for all affiliates."
Auto-Assign Campaign
You can select to have an affiliate automatically assigned to the campaign when their application is approved or when they request the campaign in the Affiliate Center.
Zero Revenue
This feature is only for CPA and CPL campaigns. This allows you to set the revenue of a transaction that is not approved but is qualified to $0. This gives you more accurate accounting for transactions that must be approved for you to get paid.
Statistical Viewing Rights
This allows you to hide or show the following columns in the affiliate center and advertiser center. The following are the statistical viewing rights:
- View Impression Statistics
- View Click Statistics
- View Qualified Statistics
Transaction Export Rights
Transaction Export Rights allows affiliates to view and export the transaction details like Conversion Dates and Times and Click and Conversion IPs when it is enabled. "Hide Conversion IP and Referrer" allows you to provide affiliates with conversion details while not displaying Conversion IP Address and Referrer information. This helps partners prevent affiliate access to data that could be used to identify an advertiser.
The following transaction export rights are a combination of view and export rights:
- View/Export Qualified Transactions
- Hide Conversion IP and Referrer
- View/Export Approved Transactions
- Hide Conversion IP and Referrer
Affiliate Pixels
The Affiliate Pixel area allows you to enable your affiliates to place their tracking pixels in their affiliate account in the Affiliate Center. In addition to choosing whether your affiliates can place their own pixels, you can specify which types of pixels they can use and whether they can add additional code. Depending on the confirmation pixel, some pixel types won't be available for your affiliates. You can learn about Pixel Compliance here.
If your confirmation pixel is on a page that is secure (HTTPS), then the affiliate's pixel must be secure as well. You can choose whether to require affiliates' pixels to be secure or not.
Available Code Box
This feature works when you have a LinkTrust JavaScript confirmation pixel placed on the confirmation page. The code placed in the open text box is pulled down to the confirmation page for all successful transactions. If you have additional code for a specific affiliate, it is recommended you place that code in the pixel section of the affiliate’s details. The additional code added will only be pulled to the confirmation page when the affiliate is responsible for the successful transaction.
A unique impression is an impression that does not have the same IP address as any other impression found within a specific time frame specified in the settings. Campaigns may be configured to record affiliate’s unique impressions instead of total impressions. When enabled, only unique impressions will be counted in the Impressions column in reports.
The uniqueness of an impression can be valid for days, hours, or minutes.
A unique click is a consumer click from a computer that does not contain a cookie on it. A click is only considered unique if a cookie is not found for the campaign on the consumer’s computer. Campaigns can be configured to combine or separate unique and duplicate clicks. When the setting to separate unique from duplicate clicks is enabled, all unique clicks are recorded in the Click column and all duplicate clicks are recorded in the Duplicate Clicks column.
The referrer is the address of the webpage that linked to the campaign's tracking link. LinkTrust captures and stores the referrer for each click. Campaigns may be configured to record a click as a duplicate if this field is blank.
Additionally, there is a setting to filter duplicate clicks by IP Address. If this is enabled, you can choose how long the filter is valid for and where the traffic will be redirected. The filter can be valid for days, hours, or minutes. Filtered traffic can be redirected to the following locations:
- 403 Forbidden Page
- Campaign
- Propagate cookie parameter: if the cookie parameter (c=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate tracking parameter: if the tracking parameter (t=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the URL.
- Landing Page
- Write cookie: a cookie will be created for the filtered traffic.
Blocked Click Traffic
A blocked click is a click from a tracking URL from a blocked affiliate. You can also choose to block any clicks from public proxies. Blocked clicked can be redirected to the following locations:
- 403 Forbidden Page
- Campaign
- Propagate cookie parameter: if the cookie parameter (c=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate tracking parameter: if the tracking parameter (t=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the URL.
Traffic Caps Location
A traffic cap is a limit to the number of conversions or amount of revenue that can be generated. If a click comes in after the traffic cap has been reached, you can redirect that traffic to following locations:
- 403 Forbidden Page
- Campaign
- Propagate cookie parameter: if the cookie parameter (c=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate tracking parameter: if the tracking parameter (t=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the URL.
Expired Redirect
Traffic that comes in after a campaign is expired can be redirected to the following locations:
- 403 Forbidden Page
- Campaign
- Propagate cookie parameter: if the cookie parameter (c=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate tracking parameter: if the tracking parameter (t=0) is present in the tracking link, this value will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the new campaign.
- Propagate additional data: if any additional data (name=value) is present in the tracking link, those values will be passed on to the URL.
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