LinkTrust includes a host of fraud controls. Below is a description of the types of controls available throughout the system.
Preventing Transaction FraudAccount Level Settings
- Domains / IPs
- Black and white list IP addresses
- Black and gray list user agents
Campaign Tracking Options
- Control Postback methods
- Restrict Postbacks to white listed IP addresses
- Restrict external transaction modifications to white listed IP addresses and a password
Campaign Filters
- Duplicate click settings
- Filter if no referrer is present
- Filter if IP is a duplicate
- Unauthorized country redirects
- Unapprove transactions when the click and conversion IP's don't match
- Unapprove transactions when the IP is from a known public proxy
- Unapprove transactions when the click to conversion time is less than a given amount of time
- Do not track transactions with duplicate Merchant Reference IDs within the last 90 days
- Unapprove transactions when the confirmation page domain does not match
- Promo code enforcement
Affiliate application filter
- Hover over your name in the top-right corner
- Click on 'Application Filters'
- This feature allows you to filter for keywords found within new affiliate applications. If a filtered keyword is found in an application, it is automatically denied. Don't worry, denied applications can still be reviewed and approved if needed by going to Affiliates > Signups > Denied.
Affiliate fraud score
This score is located in the Pending Apps page, Denied Apps page, affiliate search results and within an affiliate's details. The fraud score is calculated at the time an affiliate application is submitted. The score can be re-scored at anytime from the Fraud Score Details page. It is made up of three critical parts and appears as three numbers: e.g. 13-2-8 (Duplicate-Suspended-Denied)
- Duplicate
This represents the number of duplicate accounts that were found in your affiliate database. The field(s) which were found to be duplicated between accounts are displayed.
- Suspended
This represents the number of times the affiliate matched an affiliate account which was suspended by another LinkTrust client. Client names are not exposed, but represented as 'Network 1', 'Network 2' etc.The field(s) within the accounts which were found to match are displayed.
- Denied
This represents the number of times the affiliate matched an affiliate application which was denied by another LinkTrust client. Client names are not exposed, but represented as 'Network 1', 'Network 2' etc.The field(s) within the accounts which were found to match are displayed.
Affiliate final application approval
When reviewing applications, it is important to look for any information that appears to be suspicious. For instance, it would be suspicious if you do not use radio to advertise for affiliates but an application states that they heard about you from the radio. The most important rule to avoid affiliate fraud is to call each applicant and screen them over the phone. Nothing beats talking to the affiliate! Although this will not stop all fraud, it will prevent the bulk of fraudulent affiliates from gaining access to your system.
Affiliate account security
- Hover over your name in the top-right corner
- Click on 'Affiliate Center'
- Configure the area located under 'Affiliate Security Settings'. These settings tighten password security, restrict changes to an affiliate's information from within the affiliate center, and restrict the sign in of affiliates to the country they specified in your application.
- Configure whether you want a CAPTCHA displayed on the LinkTrust hosted application page.
- Click the 'Update' button
- Hover over your name in the top-right corner
- Click 'Users'
- Access user accounts and restrict the user logins to specific IP addresses. This is great for preventing some employees from signing in at home or through public hot spots
- Ensure that each user has just enough rights to accomplish their job.
- Hover over your name in the top-right corner
- Click 'Logs'
- This area allows you to review which users, affiliates and advertisers are signing in and from which locations. It also allows you to see which users have exported affiliate data.
- Hover over your name in the top-right corner
- Click on 'Integrators'
- Use any of the companies listed under 'Email Compliance' and 'Fraud Prevention Tools'
You can request a demo to see LinkTrust up close and experience how it can help you, or start your free 14-day trial now.
Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at