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How do I set up a Remote Traffic Agent (RTA)?

1. Download the RTA application - Download RTA

2. Host the RTA on a windows web server

  • We recommend a single IP/Domain per RTA install. Note: It's best if you are installing several RTA's that you don't use a single IP block. A single IP block increases the odds of the whole block getting blacklisted and therefore more RTA's being affected.


3. Configure the Web.config file (You can edit this file with notepad)

  • Configure your tracking domain on this line: <add key="trackingUrl" value="http://YOUR_TRACKING_URL/"/>
  • Confirm the mode selected and enter the value where it says "<add key="Mode" value="1"/>". Mode 1 is standard RTA functionality.


4. Test to ensure that the RTA is operational

  • Enter the RTA's URL in your browser along with a campaign and affiliate ID. e.g., www.myrtadomain/click.ashx?CID=XXX&AFID=XXX


5. Do either of the following

  • Add the RTA domain so it can be randomly assigned as affiliates get creatives within the affiliate center
    • Login to your account
    • Hover over your name in the top-right corner
    • Click on 'Domains'
    • Under the 'Randomize Tracking Domains' area, enter the RTA domain
    • Click the 'Add' button


  • Add the RTA domain so it is assigned to a specific affiliate when they get their creatives within the affiliate center
    • Login to your account
    • Hover over your name in the top-right corner
    • Click on 'Domains'
    • Under the 'Assign Tracking Domains' area, select an affiliate
    • Enter the RTA domain
    • Click the 'Add' button


6. Configure a campaign to use the RTA domains

  • Login to your account
  • Go to Campaigns > View All
  • Open a campaign's settings
  • Click on 'Settings' under the 'Publish' menu
  • Select 'Custom' for the impression and tracking URL Format
  • Replace the tracking domain and file name from the URL with Random domain token and the file name of the RTA. See the examples below.




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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com