March 2019 Product Update

NEW Traffic Type of ‘All’ Allows Global Advertisement

Now you can set up a campaign to auto-advertise to all your affiliates. PLUS you can set up an affiliate to see all advertised offers. Both are accomplished by using the new ‘All’ Traffic Type; details below.


  • Set up a Campaign’s Scope of Advertising:
    • At Campaign > Advertise Settings, select ‘All’ to auto-advertise a Campaign/Offer to all Affiliates setup to see advertised offers, or
    • Select any traffic types you want to use for advertising this campaign to affiliates that match those traffic types.
    • ‘Ad Network’ will take precedence over ‘All’; i.e., if ‘All’ is selected, it will not necessarily include ‘Ad Network’ which is a separate item outside of the rest of traffic types.
  • Set up an Affiliate’s access to see Advertised Offers:
    • Deselect ‘All’ or any existing traffic types to keep an affiliate from seeing advertised offers,
    • Select ‘All’ for the affiliate to see all advertised offers, or
    • Select a specific combination of traffic types for the affiliate to see only those types of advertised offers.
    • ‘Ad Network’ for an affiliate means that only if the campaign has been enabled to ‘Allow Ad Networks to Advertise’ will it show to that affiliate.

Bug Fix

Ad Rotator improved compatibility with HTTPS/HTTP


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at