Get Offer

The Get Offer page allows you to get offers from merchants that you may or may not be affiliated with.

Selected Merchant

The information provided in Selected Merchant is dynamic based on the status of your connection. You will either have No Connections, Ready to Copy, or Request Denied.

No Connections

No Connections means that you have no connection open with the company you wish to get the offer from.

  • Login - If you have an affiliate account with the company, this is your affiliate login.
  • Password - If you have an affiliate account with the company, this is your affiliate password.
  • Associate with - From the Associate with drop-down field, you can choose the merchant you would like to use for the connection.

Ready to Copy

Ready to Copy means that your request was accepted and you can copy the offer to your account.

Request Denied

Request Denied means that your request to get the offer was denied.

Connection Contact

The Connection Contact contains the contact information for the offer.

How to Get an Offer

If you want to get an offer, do the following:

  1. In the Login field, enter your affiliate login.
  2. In the Password field, enter your affiliate password.
  3. From the Associate with drop-down field, select the merchant you would like to use to make a connection.
  4. If your request was accepted, copy the offer to your account.


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