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Send A Message

The Send Messages page allows you to send customized emails to your affiliates. You can send a custom email to the following groups of affiliates:

  • All affiliates
  • This manager's affiliates
  • Affiliates of this campaign
  • This manager's affiliates of campaign
  • Affiliates of this group
  • This manager's affiliates of group
  • Email Templates

This help page describes how to send an email to these groups.

Send an Email to All Affiliates

To send a custom email to all affiliates, do the following:

    1. In the From drop-down field, select the individual that the email is from. (Note: By default, your email address appears in the From field when you select the Send Messages page.)
  1. In the Recipients field, select All affiliates.
  2. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
  3. In the Body field, enter your message using the WYSIWYG editor.
  4. If you want to add tokens to your email, select Tokens for a list of Send Messages Tokens.
  5. In the Test Email Address field, enter the email address you want to send a test email to.
  6. Send your test email by selecting Send Test.
  7. When you are ready to send your email, select Send Message.

Send an Email to This Manager's Affiliates

To send a custom email to a specific manager's affiliates, do the following:

    1. In the From drop-down field, select the individual that the email is from. (Note: By default, your email address appears in the From field when you select the Send Messages page.)
  1. In the Recipients field, select This manager's affiliates.
  2. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
  3. In the Body field, enter your message using the WYSIWYG editor.
  4. If you want to add tokens to your email, select Tokens for a list of Send Messages Tokens.
  5. In the Test Email Address field, enter the email address you want to send a test email to.
  6. Send your test email by selecting Send Test.
  7. When you are ready to send your email, select Send Message.

Send an Email to Affiliates of this Campaign

To send a custom email to the affiliates of this campaign, do the following:

    1. In the From drop-down field, select the individual that the email is from. (Note: By default, your email address appears in the From field when you select the Send Messages page.)
  1. In the Recipients field, select Affiliates of this campaign.
  2. Choose the campaign by selecting Select Campaign.
  3. In the Campaign Search field, mark Include Dead Campaigns if you want to include dead campaigns.
  4. In the Campaign field, enter the name of the campaign or search for the campaign by selecting Search; then select the campaign.
  5. If you want to use the Send Creatives Template, mark Use Send Creatives Template.
  6. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
  7. In the Body field, enter your message using the WYSIWYG editor.
  8. If you want to add tokens to your email, select Tokens for a list of Send Messages Tokens.
  9. In the Test Email Address field, enter the email address you want to send a test email to.
  10. Send your test email by selecting Send Test.
  11. When you are ready to send your email, select Send Message.

Send an Email to This Manager's Affiliates of Campaign

To send a custom email to a specific manager's affiliates of a campaign, do the following:

    1. In the From drop-down field, select the individual that the email is from. (Note: By default, your email address appears in the From field when you select the Send Messages page.)
  1. In the Recipients field, select This manager's affiliates of this campaign.
  2. Choose the campaign by selecting Select Campaign.
  3. In the Campaign Search field, mark Include Dead Campaigns if you want to include dead campaigns.
  4. In the Campaign field, enter the name of the campaign or search for the campaign by selecting Search; then select the campaign.
  5. If you want to use the Send Creatives Template, mark Use Send Creatives Template.
  6. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
  7. In the Body field, enter your message using the WYSIWYG editor.
  8. If you want to add tokens to your email, select Tokens for a list of Send Messages Tokens.
  9. In the Test Email Address field, enter the email address you want to send a test email to.
  10. Send your test email by selecting Send Test.
  11. When you are ready to send your email, select Send Message.

Send an Email to Affiliates of this Group

To send a custom email to all affiliates of a group, do the following:

    1. In the From drop-down field, select the individual that the email is from. (Note: By default, your email address appears in the From field when you select the Send Messages page.)
  1. In the Recipients field, select Affiliates of this group.
  2. From the drop-down field next to the Recipients field, select the group you are sending the email to.
  3. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
  4. In the Body field, enter your message using the WYSIWYG editor.
  5. If you want to add tokens to your email, select Tokens for a list of Send Messages Tokens.
  6. In the Test Email Address field, enter the email address you want to send a test email to.
  7. Send your test email by selecting Send Test.
  8. When you are ready to send your email, select Send Message.

Send an Email to This Manager's Affiliates of Group

To send a custom email to a specific manager's affiliates of a group, do the following:

    1. In the From drop-down field, select the individual that the email is from. (Note: By default, your email address appears in the From field when you select the Send Messages page.)
  1. In the Recipients field, select This manager's affiliates of group.
  2. From the drop-down field next to the Recipients field, select the group you are sending the email to.
  3. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
  4. In the Body field, enter your message using the WYSIWYG editor.
  5. If you want to add tokens to your email, select Tokens for a list of Send Messages Tokens.
  6. In the Test Email Address field, enter the email address you want to send a test email to.
  7. Send your test email by selecting Send Test.
  8. When you are ready to send your email, select Send Message.

Email Templates

Email templates are a great time saver when communicating with affiliates.  

This section describes how to:

  • Create Email Templates
  • Load Templates
  • Modify Templates
  • Delete Templates

Creating Email Templates

  1. Select Create Template
  2. Name the template.
  3. Add a subject to the template.
  4. Add HTML or simple text
  5. Select Update and Close to save your template.

Load a Template

  1. Select the Load button.
  2. This will load the saved template's content.

Edit Template

  1. Select the Edit Template icon
  2. Modify the template.
  3. Select Update and Close to save your changes.

Delete Template

  1. Select the delete trash can icon.
  2. Select OK to confirm your deletion.
  3. All deleted templates are un-recoverable.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com