Notice: Potential Inaccuracies During Statistics Calculation Window

At the start of each hour the system calculates all the statistics which were tracked during the previous hour and saves these to the roll-up reporting database. During this small window of time, about seven (7) minutes, stats for the previous hour of traffic will not be included in reporting.

How can I avoid this?

  1. Run the report excluding today's date.
  2. Avoid running the report approximately 1-8 minutes after each hour.

The Pros: This hybrid technology allows us to report in real-time while storing most statistical information in a long term 'rollup table' for quicker access to statistics.  This Hybrid technology combines the best of two worlds in technology by allowing for the convenience of real-time reporting while at the same time providing the ability to scale out as transactional volumes increase.  Reporting will continue to generate relatively quickly regardless of the volume of transactions in a report.

The Alternative: Reporting would not be real-time and would only be available approximately five minutes after they were tracked or, as your volume increases, generating reports would slow and perhaps time out while the system calculates all transactions within the date range you provide. 


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