September 2018 Product Update


Updated User Interface

The new LinkTrust interface has a refreshed look to match our new color scheme and branding. Updated icons, colors and spacing provide a more current look and feel, while keeping the same trusted functionality and experience.



CPI Campaigns for Mobile Marketing

Cost per Installation (CPI) campaigns make it easier for you to work with mobile marketers. In LinkTrust, CPI works structurally the same as CPA, but affiliates in the mobile arena will recognize CPI as compatible with their business needs.



Global Pixel Integrated into New Pixel Page

Manage Global Pixels and your other Affiliate Pixels from the same page. Simpler to keep track of all pixels for any Affiliate-Campaign relationship.



Affiliate Center - Tracking Link at My Offers Listing

Now your affiliates can quickly get their tracking link for any Offer they’re running while viewing a list of their Offers.



Passing Revenue from Channel to Channel

Now you can pass the price of a lead from a ping channel to interested buyers via post channel.

Affiliate Group Token [=AffiliateGroup=]

This new token identifies the Affiliate Group and facilitates easier 3rd party reporting when you want to include the Affiliate Group every time a click or conversion happens.

Affiliate Center - My Account Tax Docs Conditionally Displayed

Tax documents for US-based affiliates will only display for those identified with US as the country.

Restore Test Affiliate Pixels Button

Back by popular demand, the button to test affiliate pixels has been added to the new pixel page.

Expire Date Displayed at Channel List View, Distribution

If you’ve configured an expiration date for a channel, you can now view this date at both the Channel Distribution view and the List View.

Advertiser Names Linked at Campaign Listing

When viewing a list of your campaigns, you can now click on Advertiser names to open related details.

Export Button at New Campaign Listing View

Easily export campaigns from the Campaign Listing view using this button.

LeadGen XML Parser - Formatting Requirements More Lenient

When using the XML Parser to post leads, headers and child tags no longer cause issues.

Bug Fixes

Breadcrumb Improvements

Breadcrumb display has been improved, no longer wrapping long names to multiple lines.

Affiliate Center - Affiliate SignUp Needs to Allow non-standard Domains in Emails

Top-level-domains that are non-standard (for example, .coach) will be allowed in email addresses at the affiliate signup stage.

Affiliate Center - My Account page Typos Fixed

Affiliate Fraud Score Links from Pending Signup pages no longer result in Error

Daily Traffic/Breakout Report Column Headers no longer result in Error

Partner Center/Affiliate Center/Merchant Center - Stop loading Partner & User Names into HTML of each page

Merchant Center - Include Alias Data in Attempt Details Report

Partner Center - Click Listing: ADID value always comes through as 0

Partner Center - Lead Poster Now Hosted in PC

Partner Center - Campaign, User, Affiliate Limit Met Notifications


You can request a demo to see LinkTrust up close and experience how it can help you, or start your free 14-day trial now.


Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at