Tier & Channel Rules


These rules determine if the lead submitted meets certain criteria before attempting to distribute the lead to a tier or channel.  These rules are evaluated in the order in which they appear on the page.  Click and drag any rule to change its order.  When a rule fails, the system will move on to the next available tier or channel.

The following rules are available:

Simple Validation
This rule type should be used when evaluating a field value by comparing it with another value you specify.  For example, you can ensure that the age field is greater than 18, the best time to contact is morning, the state entered is Utah, etc.

Duplicate Field Value
This rule type should be used when evaluating the field value to determine if it is a duplicate with another lead within a specified period of time.  For example, you can ensure that the email address submitted with the lead is not a duplicate with another lead within the last 24 hours, the phone number is not a duplicate with the last 15 days, etc.

Duplicate IP Address
This rule type should be used when evaluating the IP Address field value to determine if it is a duplicate IP with another lead within a specified period of time.  For example, you can ensure that the same IP address does not submit a lead within the last 30 days.  This rule can only be used once per campaign.

LT Formula
This rule type should be used when no other rules apply.  This rule allows for maximum flexibility because you can create any number of formulas that reflect the business rule you have.  A LinkTrust Boolean (True/False) formula should be used.  A formula can evaluate any data field(s) and return either a 'True' or 'False' value.  If the value returned from the formula is 'False', The rule will fail.  If the value returned is 'True' the rule will pass.  Use tokens as placeholders for actual lead data within your formula.  View available formulas.

Day and Time
This rule type should be used when evaluating the day and time that a lead is submitted.  For example,  you can prevent leads from being excepted on weekends or at particular times of the day or night.

Revenue Match
This rule type should be used to evaluate whether a tier or channel should be distributed to based upon the recorded revenue received from each channel within another tier. If using a ping tree to determine the optimal post channel, setup this rule on the channel to ensure that leads are distributed to the channel only when a particular ping channel returned the highest recorded revenue.  Note: It is recommended that all ping channels reside in their own tier and not within the tier of post channels when performing this function.  For example, you can ensure that post channel A only is distributed to when ping channel A has the highest revenue of all other channels in the same tier.

Sales Status Met 
This rule type should be used to evaluate whether a tier or channel should be distributed to based upon whether another channel accepted or rejected the lead.  For example,  you can ensure that channel B is attempted only when channel A has rejected the lead.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com