Pixel Tokens

Tokens are placeholders for dynamic information that can be inserted into your pixel URL.  These placeholders will be replaced with the appropriate value prior to your pixel executing.

Pixel Campaigns (Outside of Lead gen Campaigns)

  • Campaign ID: [=CID=]
    This is the unique ID number of the campaign or offer in our system. 
  • Affiliate ID: [=AFID=]
    This is your unique Affiliate ID number in our system.
  • Sub ID: [=SID=]
    This is the Sub ID which you appended to your tracking link.  This number should not be unique for each transaction, but should be a number that you want transactions grouped by.  For example, you may want to include the name of an email list, a search keyword or website name.  If you need to pass unique values back to your pixel which were initially placed on your tracking link, see Affiliate Reference ID below.
  • Creative ID: [=ADID=]
    This is the unique ID number of the creative which resulted in the conversion.
  • Click ID: [=ClickID=]
    This is a unique value that we create for each consumer's click on your tracking link which resulted in the conversion.
  • Quantity: [=Quantity=]
    This is the number of transactions tracked within a single pixel fire. The default value is one (1). This value is ignored for percentage (%) based payout campaigns.
  • Total Sales: [=TotalSales=]
    This is the total amount of the sale on the merchant's website. This value is only available for percentage (%) and not flat rate based campaigns.
  • Transaction ID: [=_TransID=]
    This is a unique identifier created by our system for each conversion tracked.
  • Affiliate Commission: [=AffiliateCommission=]
    This is the total amount of commission earned for the conversion.  
  • Affiliate Reference ID: [=AffiliateReferenceID=]
    This is any value provided by you for the purpose of tracking unique user conversions.  By appending "&AffiliateReferenceID=value" to your tracking link, we are able to append this value back to your pixel URL. This is not a Sub ID, but rather a value that would be unique for each consumer tracked.
  • Merchant Reference ID: [=MerchantReferenceID=]
    This is used for passing a value from the merchant back to LinkTrust in the confirmation pixel. It is recommended to use this for a unique transaction ID from a shopping cart or CRM.
  • Additional Data: [=FieldName=]
    If you wish to place a token that returns a specific value appended to your tracking link, place "[=" and "=]" around the name of the field you appended to your tracking link. For example, if you appended "&site=google&type=search" to the end of your tracking link,  you can have these values returned back onto your pixel URL by adding "&site=[=site=]&type=[=type=]".
  • Click Referrer: [=ClickReferrer=]
    This is the URL of where the click occurred (a webpage) which resulted in the conversion.
  • Click User Agent: [=ClickUserAgent=]
    This provides data like the consumer’s browser version, operating system version, browser plug-ins and often times the mobile device used.
  • IP Address: [=IPAddress=]
    This is the IP address where the conversion took place. 
  • Time Stamp: [=TimeStamp=]
    This returns the date and time of the conversion.
  • Country: [=Country=]
    This is the country where the conversion took place.
  • Lead Gen Campaigns
  • Campaign ID: [=CID=]
    This is the unique ID number of the campaign or offer in our system. 
  • Affiliate ID: [=AFID=]
    This is your unique Affiliate ID number in our system.
  • Sub ID: [=SID=]
    This is the Sub ID which you appended to your tracking link.  This number should not be unique for each transaction, but should be a number that you want transactions grouped by.  For example, you may want to include the name of an email list, a search keyword or website name.  If you need to pass unique values back to your pixel which were initially placed on your tracking link, see Affiliate Reference ID below.
  • Creative ID: [=ADID=]
    This is the unique ID number of the creative which resulted in the conversion.
  • Click ID: [=ClickID=]
    This is a unique value that we create for each consumer's click on your tracking link which resulted in the conversion.
  • Quantity: [=Quantity=]
    This is the number of transactions tracked within a single pixel fire. The default value is one (1).
  • Lead ID: [=LeadID=]
    This is the unique ID of the lead.
  • Affiliate Commission: [=AffiliateCommission=]
    This is the total amount of commission approved for the lead.  
  • Affiliate Reference ID: [=AffiliateReferenceID=]
    This is any value provided by you for the purpose of tracking unique user conversions.  By appending "&AffiliateReferenceID=value" to your tracking link, we are able to append this value back to your pixel URL. This is not a Sub ID, but rather a value that would be unique for each consumer tracked.
  • Additional Data: [=FieldName=]
    If you wish to place a token that returns a specific value appended to your tracking link, place "[=" and "=]" around the name of the field you appended to your tracking link. For example, if you appended "&site=google&type=search" to the end of your tracking link,  you can have these values returned back onto your pixel URL by adding "&site=[=site=]&type=[=type=]".  If the name matches that of a data field, the value of the data field will be used.
  • Data Field: [=DataFieldName=]
    Insert the data field name, not the display name, but the actual field name.  It returns the value in that data field.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com