June 2018 Product Update

Affiliate, Advertiser, & Partner Center Updates


Affiliate Center: Updated Graphing/Charts

We’ve updated our graphing software in the Affiliate Center, making it easier to drill into stats for details.


Affiliate Center: Reduced Pop-ups in AC for Creatives, Pixels, & other pages

Affiliates can now navigate to new views within the same window, instead of using additional pop-up windows. iFrames have been utilized for this purpose.

Partner Center/Advertiser Center: Global Control for Advertiser Transaction Details

Now you can set up a global preference for how you’d like your Advertisers to access the Transaction Details report.


Partner Center: Minimized Validation Code for Landing Page URLs

We’ve made it easier for you to use non-standard URLs for your landing pages.


Partner Center: Advertiser Payment Option: Semi-Monthly

We’ve added ‘Semi-Monthly’ to the picklist of options you can use for Advertiser payment terms.

Partner Center/Affiliate Center: Required Formatting for Tax IDs

Enforcing Tax ID format (SSN/EIN aka TIN) at key events will streamline processes. This includes Affiliate signup, creating/editing Affiliate Tax docs, exporting Affiliates, and exporting to QuickBooks.


Partner Center: Expired Campaigns Display in Red

We’ve restored the previous method of displaying expired campaigns in red font.

LeadGen Updates:

- Simple Validation Rule Fields Improvement

Text fields and dropdown picklists now have improved trimming of values.

- Channel Expiration Date

You can add an expiration date to each LeadGen channel, choosing to enforce the date or just use it as a visual flag depending on your workflow. LeadGen Channel reports will reflect this new data.

Bug Fixes:

- Create/Edit Ads WYSIWYG Editor Scrollbar

We’ve updated the WYSIWYG Editor so that the scrollbar doesn’t move when updating or changing types.

- Email Address Validation to Accept all Top Level Domains, '.ca' etc.

We’ve ensured email address validation will accept all types of top level domains instead of only '.com' etc.

- Campaign Performance Columns Alignment

Deselecting options no longer throws off column alignment in the Campaign Performance Report.

- Viewing only Assigned Campaigns in Reports

User view access to reporting complies with campaign assignment.

- Radio Button Formatting

We removed a box shadow around radio buttons.

- View Rights Alignment for Charts

Charts only show data for assigned affiliates or assigned campaigns.

- Default Campaign Settings Page Fixes

All settings saved to this page will be the default settings for new campaigns created.


- Affiliate Payment Details PayPal Email

The Payments tab was not showing the PayPal email by default and this has now been fixed.


You can request a demo to see LinkTrust up close and experience how it can help you, or start your free 14-day trial now.


Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com