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Link Generator

Keep in mind, some options will not display depending on what the Tracking Options for the selected campaign are.

Link Criteria

The following is the criteria you need to create a link:

- Campaign (CID)

A campaign is a set of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme that make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC).

- Affiliate (AFID)

An affiliate is a company or person that takes your offer and your creatives found in LinkTrust and distributes them to either their affiliates (your sub-affiliates) or the general public, increasing the market reach of that offer.

- Creative (ADID)

ADID is the parameter used to track the performance of creatives. The ADID parameter is placed on the tracking URL. The ADID parameter is not required on the tracking URL in order for the tracking URL to work. If the ADID parameter is omitted from the tracking URL, the Creative report will show a 0 value for all the tracking links missing the ADID parameter.

- Sub ID (SID)

A sub ID is a common identifier used to differentiate traffic from affiliates. Generally, sub IDs are numbers and letters or something that designates an affiliate or sub affiliate. Because traffic types are redundant, the sub ID value is repetitive. This allows you to use reporting to identify which sub ID is performing the best. It is common practice for affiliates to place a sub ID on a tracking link.

To add a sub ID to your tracking link, you can do one of the following:

  • On your tracking link, add &SID= Sub_ID_Here.
  • In the Sub ID (SID) field, enter the sub ID.

You can also add multiple sub IDs to your tracking link. To add multiple sub IDs, do the following:

  1. On the Link Generator page, mark Add more Sub IDs.
  2. Under Additional Sub IDs, enter a sub ID into each Sub ID field needed.

The sub IDs appear on the tracking link separated by commas. You have the ability to add up to ten (10) sub IDs.

If you are using a search engine friendly (SEO) URL, add /SID/ Sub_ID_Here.

The following are sample links:

  • Tracking link with multiple sub IDs: http://your_tracking_domain/click.track?CID=100043&AFID=100000&SID=1,2,3,4,5
  • Impression pixel: <img src="http://your_tracking_domain/impression.track?CID=100043&AFID=100000&SID=1,2,3,4,5" height="1" width="1" />
  • Query string tracking URL: http://your_tracking_domain/click.trackCID=XXXX&AFID=XXXX&ADID=XXXX&SID=Sub_ID_Here
  • SEO tracking URL: http://your_tracking_domain/click.track/CID/XXXX/AFID/XXXX/ADID/XXXX/SID/Sub_ID_Here

*Note: When affiliates are passing a SubID, the only accepted characters are alphanumeric and dashes. Failure to comply will result in your affiliates getting an error message when trying to pull their SID report. The maximum length of a SubID is 500 characters. You cannot pass GUIDs as sub IDs. LinkTrust recognizes GUIDs used as sub IDs and will remove them. If you wish to pass a GUID to a landing page, use AffiliateReferenceID.

- Affiliate Reference ID (AffiliateReferenceID)

The affiliate reference ID is a parameter that carries a unique value designated by an affiliate. The purpose of the affiliate reference ID is to pass information from the affiliate to LinkTrust and then back to the affiliate. The maximum number of characters allowed is 255.

For more information, see Affiliate Reference ID.

- Additional Data

Additional data is any data that is appended to the affiliate's URL using a parameter name=value pair. The affiliate can use any name and value. LinkTrust takes the parameter name used by the affiliate and creates a token to match the parameter. The value of the parameter is placed into the token. This is called tokenizing the value. The token allows you to pass information through LinkTrust to the advertiser and back to the affiliate.

If you want to send additional data to a advertiser's landing page, the name of the beginning parameter must match the advertiser's website form, so that the value is dynamically placed in the correct field.

For example, the advertiser has a website with form fields for a consumer's first name, last name, and email address. The affiliate also has a website with a form that has already captured the consumer's first name, last name, and email address. The affiliate sends the consumer's information to LinkTrust and then on to the advertiser's page. When the consumer lands on the advertiser's page, those three fields are pre-populated on the advertiser's page. This happens because the affiliate appended the first name, last name, and email address parameters to the URL and passes the values to the into LinkTrust. This saves the consumer time having to re-enter the information twice.

Basically, by using additional data parameters and values, the affiliate can populate the advertiser's website with the consumer information it has already collected.

Advanced Options

The following options relate to tracking on the tracking URL:

- Redirect to Landing Page

Disabling Redirect to Landing Page, adds R=0 parameter to the tracking URL. This prevents the Tracking URL from redirecting to the Landing Page URL.

- Write Cookie to Browser

Disabling Write Cookie to Browser, adds C=0 parameter to the tracking URL. This prevents a Cookie from being written to the consumer's browser.

- Track Clicks

Disabling Track Click, adds T=0 parameter to the tracking URL. This prevents LinkTrust from tracking a click in the system. If a click is not tracked, no click ID is created and therefore, no conversion can be tracked from a click which was not tracked.

- Save Cookie

This feature is not enabled in the User Interface (UI). When adding Savecookie=x to the confirmation pixel URL, the cookie will not be consumed upon a successful transaction.

<SCRIPT language="javascript" src="http://training.ltroute.com/pixel.track?CID=xxxxxx&MerchantReferenceID=&Savecookie=x"></SCRIPT>
<NOSCRIPT><img src="http://training.ltroute.com/pixel.track?CID=xxxxxx&p=img&MerchantReferenceID=&Savecookie=x" width="1" height="1" border="0" /></NOSCRIPT>

Tracking Link Settings

This option allows you to choose the domain you want to use from a list of tracking domains configured for your account.

- Additional Domain

Select the domain you wish to use for your affiliate's tracking link by selecting the pre-configured domain configured within your account.

In addition, you may select Use Secure URL (HTTPS) to add the 's' to the http. i.e. Before - http://www, After - https://www.

Confirmation Pixel Settings

There are three parameters, described below, that can be added to the confirmation pixel to dynamically change the conversion's properties. To learn more about these custom conversion parameters, click here.

- Force Approval (A)

Transaction approval is a custom conversion parameter that allows the advertiser to use the confirmation pixel to dynamically send transaction approval information to the LinkTrust system. The transaction approval can be posted in through the advertiser using a parameter named A followed by the equal sign (=) and a value. The A for approval is not case sensitive.

- Force Affiliate Payout (AP)

Affiliate payout is a custom conversion parameter that allows the advertiser to use the confirmation pixel to dynamically send affiliate payout information to the LinkTrust system. The affiliate payout can be sent in by the advertiser using a parameter named AP followed by the equal sign (=) and a numerical value.

- Force Advertiser Payout (MP)

Advertiser payout is a custom conversion parameter that allows the advertiser to use the confirmation pixel to dynamically send the advertiser payout information to the LinkTrust system. The advertiser payout can be sent in by the advertiser using a parameter named MP followed by the equal sign (=) and a numerical value.

Tracking Link and Pixels

After you select Generate Links at the bottom of the Link Criteria section, the Tracking Link and Pixels section displays. This section displays the following:

  1. Impression pixel
  2. Tracking link
  3. Confirmation pixel
  • JavaScript
  • Image
  • Click ID Pixel Post
  • AFID Pixel Post

In addition to these links and pixels, this section has a Generate QR Code button that creates a QR code for the tracking link and allows you to download it.

Send Email

To generate emails, you must select Generate Emails at the bottom of the Tracking Link and Pixels section. Then the Send Email section will display. The Send Email section allows you to do the following:

  • Send an affiliate the impression link and tracking link in an email
  • Send an advertiser the confirmation pixel in an email

From the Send Email section, you can modify the From, To, Subject, and Body fields of the email. The body of the email automatically generates with the following sample text, depending on who you are sending the email to:

Dear Jane Doe,

This is your Impression Pixel:

<img src="" height="1" width="1" />

This is your Tracking Link:

Thank you.

To send the email, select Send Email.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com