1. Help Center
  2. Campaign Settings

Pixel Placement

The Pixel Placement page allows you to do the following:

  • Place Affiliate's Pixel
  • Test the Affiliate's Pixel
  • Allow Affiliate to place their global pixel in the Affiliate Center

Place Affiliate's Pixel

Placing an affiliate's pixel inside of LinkTrust allows your affiliate's tracking platform to record a successful transaction in real time. LinkTrust allows affiliate to place four (4) types of pixels.

  1. Image
  2. Java Script
  3. iFrame
  4. Server Side

To place or modify a pixel, do the following:

  1. Next to Pixel Type, select the pixel type for the campaign.
  2. For each pixel type, except Global, enter the pixel URL in the Enter Pixel URL field.
  3. If you need to view a list of Tokens, select Tokens.
  4. If you want to include additional code that executes when the affiliate's conversions are made, enter the code in the field.

*Note: Do not include single quotes.

Save your setting by selecting OK.

Test Pixel and Code

Once you've saved the affiliate's pixel, you can test the offer by using the Test Pixel and Code button. It's important to test an affiliate's pixel before you go live with their traffic. Taking the time to test properly will save you valuable time in the future. In order to test the offer for an affiliate, make sure you have the following items completed:

  1. Affiliate has received their unique LinkTrust Tracking URL.
  2. You have received a test URL from the affiliate tracking platform.

Each test conducted will not record in LinkTrust. This alleviated the task of unapproved your test transactions.

Allow Affiliate to place their global pixel in the Affiliate Center

By enabling Allow Affiliate to place their own global pixel in the Affiliate Center checkbox, affiliate can now place and manage their global pixel from the affiliate center.


You can request a demo to see LinkTrust up close and experience how it can help you, or start your free 14-day trial now.


Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com