Resend Lead

Resending a lead is useful when testing or when you need to send a lead to a channel again.

Resend a Lead

1. Select the channel you wish to send the lead too. (Only channels in Distribution will be available.)

2. In the Advanced Settings area:

  • Select Force acceptance of lead by advertiser if you want the lead to force an accept when sending the lead. Even if the advertiser rejects the lead, LinkTrust will give it a status of Sold.
  • Select Credit affiliate by creating a qualified transaction/conversion if you want to give the affiliate credit for this lead.

3. If a rule on the channel is preventing this lead from being sent, you may bypass this rule by selecting the check box for that rule.

4. Select Send Lead to resend the lead to the advertiser.

Your page will then redirect to the Attempt Details page.  This page will detail the accepted or rejected response received from the merchant.

If you received a failed response from the merchant, review the data you posted to them. You can do this by selecting the Alias Data Sent to Advertiser section. You can also send this post value with the server response to the advertiser to be evaluated.


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