Understanding Reports

This article reviews how to find and read LinkTrust reports. It also provides a description of each report.



The Reports tab is where LinkTrust users can access all the reports and data for their campaigns, advertisers, and affiliates.  "View All" is where users can view the reports available, separated by category.

These categories also show up in the Reports drop-down menu, with sub-menus for the reports.

*Note: the reports in the drop-down sometimes have slightly different names

Key Terms to Know

  • Imp (Impressions) - Number of times the creative was viewed. Triggered by impression pixel.
  • Clicks - Number of times the affiliate had a consumer click on the tracking link.
  • Gross (Lead Gen) - Number of leads entered into LinkTrust.
  • Filtered (Lead Gen) - Number of leads that were filtered.
  • Rejected (Lead Gen) - Number of leads returned.
  • Qualified - Number of qualified conversions.
  • Approved - Number of qualified conversions that were approved.
  • Returned (Lead Gen) - Number of leads returned to affiliate.
  • Geo - Number of clicks filtered by geographic location.
  • Dup - Number of duplicate clicks.
  • Exp - Number of expired clicks.
  • IP - Number of clicks with duplicate IP address.
  • CTR - Click Through Rate. A CTR is calculated by dividing the number of users that clicked on an advertisement on a web page by the number of times the advertisement was delivered (impressions).
  • Aprv - Percent of clicks that become approved conversions. (Approved/Clicks).
  • eCPM - Estimated Cost Per Mille. (Commission/Impressions).
  • EPC - Earnings Per Click. (Commissions/Clicks).
  • Revenue - Money the client makes on the conversions.
  • Commission - Amount of money owed to the affiliate(s).
  • Profit - Revenue minus commission.
  • Margin - Profit/Revenue.

My Saved Reports

You can save reports that you want to quickly and easily come back to later. This is where they show up.


Campaign Performance shows the stats for the client's campaigns.  Users can search by date range, campaign status, type of data contained (traffic, qualified, approved, commission, revenue), Campaign, Campaign category, Campaign Group, Affiliate Group, and Campaign Manager or Primary Affiliate Manager.  Users can sort the table as well as hiding/showing columns.  This report is a hierarchical report with Campaigns on the "parent row" (top level) and Affiliates on the "child row" (second level).  Affiliates are shown by clicking on the expand icon.  Clicking on the green numbers will open reports on click summaries or transaction details. The clicks, geo, dup, exp, and IP columnns open the click summary report.  The qualified and approved columns open the transaction details report.  Users may also export report data in csv format.

Campaign Ratings shows how the client's affiliates like their campaigns.

Creative Breakout shows the performance of the client's campaigns broken out by creative.  Users can search by date range, Campaign, Affiliate or type of data contained (traffic, qualified, approved, commission, revenue), as well as export the report data in csv format.

Daily Breakout shows the performance of the client's campaigns broken out by day.  Users can search by date range, Campaign, Affiliate, and type of data contained (traffic, qualified, approved, commission, revenue).  They can also view graph of daily performance along a timeline, choosing between a stats graph or revenue graph and selecting which values to include.  This report is a hierarchical report with Days on the "parent row" (top level) and Campaigns on the "child row" (second level).  Campaigns are shown by clicking on the expand icon.

Campaign Manager Performance shows the stats of the client's campaigns broken out by campaign manager. This report is a hierarchical report with Campaign Managers on the "parent row" (top level) and Campaigns on the "child row" (second level). Campaigns are shown by clicking on the expand icon.

Traffic Cap shows the traffic caps for the client's campaigns at either the campaign level or the affiliate level; the default is the campaign level.  Users can view the status of each traffic cap as a number and percent, as well as which caps have email alerts enabled.  From this page users can click to edit traffic caps, campaigns, or affiliates.


Affiliate Performance shows the stats for the client's affiliates.  Users can search by date range, type of data contained (traffic, qualified, approved, commission, revenue), Affiliate, Primary Affiliate Manager, Affiliate Group, and Campaign Group.  The Affiliate Performance Report is the main report to see the performance and stats related to affiliates. This report is a hierarchical report with Affiliates on the "parent row" (top level) and Campaigns on the "child row" (second level). Campaigns are shown by clicking on the expand icon.  Users can also click the Send a Message link to open a new tab in the Send a Message section of the Affiliates tab.

Affiliate Trends shows traffic trends and forecast conversions for the client's affiliates.

Sub ID Breakout shows an affiliate's stats for each campaign broken out by Sub ID.

Affiliate Manager Performance shows the stats of the client's affiliates broken out by affiliate managers.

Affiliate Commissions is the main report to see the commissions related to affiliates.  This report is a hierarchical report with Affiliates on the "parent row" (top level) and Campaigns on the "child row" (second level).  The following are some columns that show up in this report:

  • Referral Bonus - Money owed to affiliate from referring other affiliates.
  • Payments - Payments that have been recorded in LinkTrust.
  • Fees - Fees deducted from affiliate payouts.
  • Carried Over - Amount of money owed to an affiliate carried over to a future time period.
  • Balance Carried - Balance of previous carry over payments owed to an affiliate.

The carried over feature is used by clients who owe money to an affiliate, but the affiliate hasn’t earned enough money to meet the payout threshold, which is a certain amount of money that must be reached before the affiliate gets paid.

Traffic Cap shows the traffic caps for the client's campaigns at either the campaign level or the affiliate level; the default is the affiliate level.  Users can view the status of each traffic cap as a number and percent, as well as which caps have email alerts enabled.  From this page users can click to edit traffic caps, campaigns, or affiliates.


Mobile Analytics shows the stats of the client's campaigns, broken out by mobile criteria.  Users can see breakouts of mobile traffic by device, carrier, country, operating system, operating system version and whether or not the device was on wifi.

Click Summary shows a chart of the client's clicks by hour, as well as the Top Campaigns, Top Affiliates, Top IP Ranges, Top Countries, Top Referring Domains, Top User Agents.  These "Top" tables show the number of clicks from the top sources of each of these categories.  This let’s users see where their clicks are coming from.  This report does not include data from the most recent hour.  If more than one day is included in the date range, the report shows clicks by day, with links to the Click Listing report for each day.  The Multi-day Click Summary Report also doesn't show the Top tables.

Click Listing displays data for every click in the given time period.  This report does not include data from the most recent hour and can only load 5000 clicks at a time.

Product Analytics shows the stats for each of the client's campaign products by displaying the sum of all clicks and conversions for products within the product data feed for a given date range.  Each campaign is displayed with it's product stats as child rows.  SKU's associated with each conversion can be viewed in the Transaction Details report or pulled via API.

Hourly Analytics shows users a breakout of their traffic by hour, which allows them to easily view traffic and conversion trends as well as easily locate traffic spikes or drops which may occur throughout the day.

Step Analytics shows the stats for each step in a given campaign.  This report displays the number of times each step occurred, and revenue and commission for every step.


Advertiser Performance shows the stats with advertisers as the parent rows and campaigns as the child rows.


Adjustments is where users can adjust statistics or payouts.  These adjustments can only be made prior to today's date.  To learn how to make a single adjustment or import a batch of adjustments see Adjustments.  The adjustment log (View All) shows all adjustments made by users within a specified date range.

Find a Conversion allows users to search for and edit transactions by Transaction ID, Click ID, Advertiser Reference ID, Affiliate Reference ID, or IP Address.  Users may search for one transaction or multiple, but not more than five.  If searching for multiple ID's, a user must enter a campaign, and all ID's must be from that campaign.


Lead Status by Campaign shows the stats for the client's lead gen campaigns, with affiliates as the child rows.  This report shows gross leads as well as leads that were filtered, rejected, returned and sold. Filtered leads include leads filtered by invalid data field, campaign lead rules or 3rd party rules while rejected leads are rejected by tier rules, channel rules, and response. Click on any numbers to view the lead listing report.

Lead Status by Affiliate is the same as Lead Status by Campaign, but the Affiliate is the parent row and the Campaign is the child row.

Lead Listing shows the details of all the leads for a lead gen campaign in a specified date range. The following are some columns that show up in this report:

  • Status - Shows what happened with the lead data (filtered, rejected, or sold).  Hover over the "i" symbol to see why.
  • Times Sold - Number of times the lead was sold to a buyer.
  • Tier - Shows which tier the lead was distributed to.
  • Channel - Shows which channel the lead was distributed to.

In addition to these columns, this report displays all the data fields with the values for each lead after the User Agent column.

Channel Attempt

Channel Performance is the same as Lead Status by Campaign, but the Channel is the child row, not the Affiliate.

Channel Breakout by Campaign shows the same stats as Lead Status by Campaign, but the report is for a specific campaign with the Channels as parent rows and the Affiliates as child rows.

Channel Breakout by Advertiser is the same as Channel Breakout by Campaign, but the report is for a specific Advertiser instead of Campaign.

Channel Attempt Listing helps users view all the attempts a lead tried to make for a particular campaign.   Users can edit revenue, approved (yes/no) and commission from the Channel Attempt Listing for specific channel attempts.

Custom Reports

Account Sub ID Breakout allows a user to export the Sub ID stats for a specific date in csv format.


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Need help with this feature or have questions? You can contact our support team at support@linktrust.com