Landing Page Tokens

The following tokens can be used to pass data from LinkTrust to your advertiser's landing page. If you place a token as a value in your landing page URL, LinkTrust swaps out the token dynamically and replaces it with the actual value.

The following table lists the landing page tokens:

Name and Description   LinkTrust Token
Campaign ID [=CID=]
Affiliate ID [=AFID=]
Advertisement or Creative ID [=ADID=]
Sub ID [=SID=]
LinkTrust dynamic Click ID [=ClickID=]
Affiliate Reference ID [=AffiliateReferenceID=]
Alternate ID [=AltID=]
Campaign / Affiliate Centric ID [=CACID=]
NonEncoded CACID for Dynamic Landing pages [=NonEncodedCACID=]
NonEncoded URL - Used for dynamic landing pages [=NonEncodedURL=]
Additional Data [=FieldName=]
NonEncoded Affiliate ReferenceID [=NonEncodedAffiliateReferenceID=]
Prints out a comma-separated list of the affiliate’s groups


Prints out the affiliate’s company name [=Affiliate.CompanyName=]
Prints out the Upline Affiliate ID (the AFID of the affiliate who referred this affiliate) [=Affiliate.ParentId=]


For example, my advertiser and I want to track an offer using a click ID server side post.  I must pass the advertiser the LinkTrust click ID, so he can capture the click ID on his landing page. The advertiser instructed me to add the click ID token to the landing page URL right after the track ID parameter, so he can capture the value.

The advertiser's landing page is:

To pass the click ID to the advertiser, I have to add the [=ClickID=] token to his landing page URL. After I add the click ID token, the advertiser's landing page looks like this:[=ClickID=]&host=876

I'm done. My click ID can now be passed to the landing page each time a consumer clicks on my affiliate's tracking link.


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