Number Field

This field type should be used for capturing numeric values with no symbols.  (e.g. age, annual income, number in household)  This field is not recommended for phone numbers where special characters are submitted with the number.  If you are separating the phone number into three distinct fields, do not use this field for the phone suffix since a suffix can start with a 0 which will be removed when this field captures the data.

Display Name - This is the name which will be displayed throughout LinkTrust for this field.  It is recommended that you use a name that easily identifies the data being captured.  This field is required.

Field Name - This is the name of the field as it should be submitted into LinkTrust.  This is the name of the field as it appears in the form HTML code or the name of the field which affiliate's will use to post data. This field is required and CAN NOT contain spaces or special characters.

Description - This is an optional field which can be used to describe this data field.

Required - Select this option if the data field should be submitted with a value for each lead.

Show in Post Instructions - Select this option if the data field should appear in the Posting Instructions for the campaign.  In most cases, you will want all fields to appear in the instructions.

Allow Decimals - Select this option if your numeric values submitted may contain decimals.  The system will return a validation error for values where a decimal exists if this option is not enabled.

Min Value - This is the minimum numeric value allowed to be submitted in this field.  The system will return a validation error if the value for this field is less than the number specified.

Max Value - This is the maximum numeric value allowed to be submitted in this field.  The system will return a validation error if the value for this field is more than the number specified.

Learn more about Data Fields.


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